¡Bienvenidos al blog de la clase de español de Ms. Svenson!
You're probably thinking: "Ms. Svenson... why do you have a blog? You already talk enough!"
Well, students, this is where you can look if you forgot to write down the homework, if you were confused by a lesson and want to see it again, or if you just can't get enough of Spanish and want to practice it all day and all night. If you aren't inspired yet, check out this list of the Top Ten Reasons for Learning Spanish.
This blog will have the following for you:
- Daily aim (la meta) and homework (la tarea)
- Presentations or notes about what we are learning
- Videos and pictures so you aren't always listening to me
- Useful links to websites with games, practice, and other ways to learn Spanish
- A place for you to comment on things that are interesting, don't make sense, or that you do/don't like
I will also enlist YOUR help (that's right-- I mean YOU) to help me write this blog.
I want YOU to help me blog! |
You are learning, but that doesn't mean you can't teach. Throughout the year, I will assign you a lesson to teach on this blog. You will get to add pictures, find videos and websites, and think of other ways to teach the lesson that I have not thought of yet!
My writing style in this blog will be conversational and hopefully a little bit funny, but keep in mind this is still an academic setting and I expect everything on here to fill one purpose: learning! Because this is a blog for beginning Spanish students, I will mainly be writing in English.
Enjoy, and contact me if you have any questions!
Ms. Svenson
Response Task #1: Copy and paste the following statement into a comment, then write your name and submit it to this blog post as your Professional Promise (you can see my example below):
As a member of Ms. Svenson's Spanish class and blog community, I promise to keep my contributions professional and focused on learning.